Configuration for IPv6


Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the next-generation Internet Protocol, the successor to version 4. Through the use of a 128-bit addressing, Version 6 (IPv6) has a much larger address range than IPv4.

If IPv6 operation is required you must ensure that the E6651A test set and DUT host PC are configured accordingly. Connections to an application server and the E6655A Lab Application also require consideration.


E6651A Setup

DUT Host PC Setup

  1. Install IPv6 on the DUT PC by typing "ipv6 install" in a Command Prompt window.

  2. In the Command Prompt window type "ipconfig/all" to see the DUT IPv6 address and the Interface Index.  In the example below, the IPv6 address is fe80::221:7ff:fe00:1a61 and Interface Index is %8.

To perform an E2E Ping with IPv6 enabled, configure the following:

E6651A Control Mode should be set to [E6655A] in System > Control Mode.


Application Server Setup

  1. Install IPv6 on the application server PC by typing "ipv6 install" in a Command Prompt window.

  2. In the Command Prompt window type "ipconfig/all" to see the Application Server IPv6 address and Interface Index.  In the example below, the IPv6 address is fe80::210:b5ff:fe47:c396 and Interface Index is %6.


E6655A PC Setup

  1. Install IPv6 on the E6655A PC by typing "ipv6 install" in a Command Prompt window.

  2. On the E6655A Lab Application, enter the Subscriber Station IPv6 Address.  In the example below, the IPv6 address entered matches the IPv6 address of the DUT PC:

Set CS Specification to “Packet, IPv6” in both the Downlink and Uplink Service Flow menus.


IPv6 E2E Ping Success