Step 1 - Reference the Dynamic Link Library (DLL)


For development programming environments such as the Microsoft Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE), the programming language needs to first reference the N4010A WLAN Test Driver COM, or .NET, DLL. How this is done varies between development environments. Additionally, there are some minor differences between whether the .NET or COM DLL’s are used which is described in the next section.

There is one DLL reference required:

During installation, the N4010A WLAN “Test Driver” DLL above is registered in the Windows Registry. This enables programs such as Visual Studio .NET to present the DLL in the references list for easy selection.

Referencing Examples

Example: Referencing the N4010 WLAN DLL in Visual Studio .NET

Select the Project, Add Reference... menu.

When referencing a COM component, you are actually referencing its type library, which provides the development environment compiler with definitions of types, methods, and properties that the component exposes.


Example: Referencing the WLAN DLL in Agilent VEE

Example: Referencing the WLAN DLL in NI LabVIEW

Example: Referencing the N4010 WLAN COM DLL in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003

The COM tab lists the locations of the COM DLL’s installed on the PC. This tab should look familiar to test developers using development environments such as Agilent VEE, Visual Basic 6, NI LabVIEW, where referencing a COM component's type library is carried out in a similar way.


In some development environments such as Agilent VEE, NI LabVIEW, and NI Lab Windows CVI, the COM DLL can be found and added through another naming terminology, “ActiveX”.

When referencing a COM component, you are actually referencing its type library, which provides the development environment compiler with definitions of types, methods, and properties that the component exposes.