Programming a Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality Measurement

Programming a Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality Measurement

Last updated: January 18, 2010

General Programming Procedure

  1. Make the proper hardware connection.
  2. Set up the call parameters and establish a voice call. See Establishing an Active GSM Link with the Mobile Station .
  3. Set the Speech Source to PESQ using CALL:TCHannel:DOWNlink:SPEech .
  4. Configure the PESQ measurement parameters using the SETup subsystem.
  5. Start the PESQ measurement using the INITiate subsystem.
  6. Use the FETCh? command to obtain PESQ measurement results.

Programming Example for a Downlink PESQ Measurement

This example is to test the mobile station's speech quality using the PESQ measurements in Downlink mode.

The following procedure assumes that the mobile station's antenna output is connected to the test set's front-panel RF IN/OUT connector. The analog audio from the mobile phone speaker is fed back to the test set's AUDIO IN port.

10 Test_set=714
20 OUTPUT Testset;"CALL:TCHannel:DOWNlink:SPEech PESQ"
30 !Set up the speech source required for the downlink measurement.
40 OUTPUT Testset;"SETup:GPESquality:CONTinuous OFF"
50 !Set the trigger arm to Single.
60 OUTPUT Testset;"SETup:GPESquality:MEASurement:MODE DOWN"
70 !Set the measurement mode to Downlink
80 OUTPUT Testset;"SETup:GPESquality:SPEech MALE"
90 !Set the speech source to Male
100 OUTPUT Testset;"SETup:GPESquality:INPut:VOLTage 300 MV"
110 !Set the expected audio in peak voltage to 300mV
120 OUTPUT Testset;"SETup:GPESquality:TIMeout 30 s"
130 !Set the Measurement Timeout to 30s.
140 PRINT "PESQ Downlink Test Result"
150 OUTPUT Testset;"INITiate:GPESquality"
160 !Initiates an PESQ measurement
170 OUTPUT Testset;"FETCh:GPESquality?"
180 !Fetch the result for PESQ measurement
190 ENTER Test_set;Integrity,Pesq_u_score,Pesq_d_score,Pesq_u_headroom,Pesq_d_headroom
200 PRINT "Integrity indicator = ";Integrity
210 PRINT "PESQ Uplink Score = ";Pesq_u_score
220 PRINT "PESQ Downlink Score = ";Pesq_d_score
230 PRINT "PESQ Uplink Headroom = ";Pesq_u_headroom
240 PRINT "PESQ Downlink Headroom = ";Pesq_d_headroom
250 !
360 END