MMEMory Subsystem - General Purpose File Management

The MMEMory subsystem's general purpose file management commands are listed below. The MMEMory subsystem also includes two other types of commands:

STATe and PREFerence File Management

Data Transfer

Commands and Queries








Folder and file formats

Many MMEMory commands refer to folders and files. These have specific structures, described below.

Format for a <folder>

Format for a <file>

MMEMory:CATalog[:ALL]? [<folder>[<filespec>]]

Returns a list of files in the specified folder.

Parameter Typical Return
Any valid folder name; defaults to folder selected by MMEMory:CDIRectory +1000000000,+327168572,

List all files in the folder MyData on the front panel USB storage device:


List all state files in the root directory of internal memory:

MMEM:CAT? "INT:\*.sta"

MMEMory:CDIRectory <folder>
MMEMory:MDIRectory <folder>
MMEMory:RDIRectory <folder>

MMEMory:CDIRectory selects the default folder for MMEMory subsystem commands. This folder must exist and is used when folder or file names do not include a drive and folder name. They query returns the current default folder.

MMEMory:MDIRectory makes a new directory (folder) on the mass storage medium.

MMEMory:RDIRectory removes a directory (folder) on the mass storage medium.

Parameter Typical Return
Any directory name, including the mass storage unit specifier. Default INT:\. "INT:\BACKUP"

Make and remove a new directory named "test" on the internal mass memory system:

MMEM:MDIR "test"
MMEM:RDIR "test"

Select the \BACKUP folder on the internal flash file system as the default folder:


Return the default folder for MMEMory subsystem commands:


MMEMory:COPY <file1>,<file2>

Copies <file1> to <file2>. Each file name must include the file extension.

Parameter Typical Return
Any valid file name (both files)


Copy state file from the root directory to the folder "Backup" on the internal flash file system:

MMEM:COPY "INT:\MyVoltMeas.sta","INT:\Backup"

MMEMory:DELete {<file>|<filespec>}

Deletes a file. To delete a folder, use MMEMory:RDIRectory.

Parameter Typical Return
Any valid file name, including file extension, or a <filespec>, as described below. (none)
Delete a file from the root directory of the internal flash file system:

MMEM:DEL "INT:\MySetup.sta"

MMEMory:MOVE <file1>,<file2>

Moves and/or renames <file1> to <file2>. Each file name must include the file extension.

Parameter Typical Return
Any valid file name (both files) (none)

Move the specified state file from the currently selected default directory to the folder "Backup" on the internal flash file system:

MMEM:MOVE "MyVoltMeas.sta","INT:\Backup"