

Last updated: June 6, 2007

GPIB Command Conventions



This query returns, in units of dBW, up to three concatenated mobile station reported maximum EIRP (effective isotropic radiated power).

Each Max EIRP value that is included in the returned string is right-justified within an 8-character slot. Each 8-character slot is followed by a comma and a space until the last Max EIRP value is sent. The last Max EIRP value in the string will not have an appended comma and a space. Each Max EIRP value that is included in the returned string will correspond, by its position in the string, with the position of each band class in the string returned by the command CALL:MS:REPorted:BCLass? .

Unless the Status Request Query is set to "OFF" by the command CALL:MS:REPorted:REQuest[:ENAble] , each time a new mobile station registers with the test set, the test set will have the mobile station report band classes, mobile station reported operating mode for each band class, and mobile station reported max EIRP (if the operating mode is CDMA) for each band class. These results are referred to as Status Request Information.

When the Status Request Query is set to "OFF" and the MS Database is cleared, then the Max EIRP set by the command CALL:MS:REPorted:EIRPower:DEFault will be used for all band class connections

In IS-2000 test mode, the Max EIRP is set using CALL:D2KTest:EIRPower[:MAXimum] .

*RST Setting


Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"CALL:MS:REPorted:EIRPower?" !when sent to a mobile station supporting US cellular (analog operating mode) and US PCS (CDMA operating mode) bands, might return something similar to the following string: 
"<null substring>,<sp>-50<sp><sp><sp><sp><sp>". 
Note that this string consists of a leading comma and space denoting a null substring, followed by the maximum EIRP for the second band, US PCS (CDMA operating mode). 



Set/queries the default Max EIRP (effective isotropic radiated power) to be assumed when mobile station's MAX_EIRP for the current band class is not in the mobile station database.

The mobile station contains a list of band classes it supports and an operating mode and MAX_EIRP value for each supported band class. This information is referred to as Status Request Information. If a mobile station registers with the test set whose ESN is different from the ESN stored in the mobile station database and the Status Request Query is set to "ON" by the command CALL:MS:REPorted:REQuest[:ENAble] , then test set will query the mobile station for its Status Request Information.

The MAX_EIRP is used to estimate the mobile station's output at higher power levels. If a MAX_EIRP value for the current band class is not present in the mobile station database then the default Max EIRP will be used to estimate the mobile station's output power.

This parameter is displayed on the test set's front panel in units of dBW (see Paging IMSI Setup ). It may be set and queried over the remote interface in units of dBm or dBW. The default units for this setting are dBm on the remote interface.



Test Application Revision: B.06.00 or above


Range: 0 to +40 dBm (-30 to +10 dBW)

Resolution: 1 dBm


Range: 0 to +40 dBm

Resolution: 1 dBm

*RST Setting

+23 dBm

Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"CALL:MS:REPorted:EIRPower:DEFault 10" !Sets the Max EIRP for the phone to 10 dBm. 



Queries the decimal formatted version of the electronic serial number as a string. The string is formatted as a three digit manufacturers code followed by a hyphen "-", and followed by a six digit serial number. Used only in active cell operating mode.


Test Application Revision: B.06.00 or above


Range: 000-000000 to 255-14777215, or null

*RST Setting


Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"CALL:MS:REPorted:ESNumber?" !Queries the decimal value of the ESN.



Queries the hexadecimal formatted version of the electronic serial number. Returns a string of hexadecimal characters. Used only in active cell operating mode.


Range: 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF, or null

*RST Setting


Programming Example

OUTPUT 714;"CALL:MS:REPorted:ESNumber:HEX?" !Queries the Hexadecimal value of the ESN.